Lotus Veda International School

When a person enters an unfamiliar space or learns about something unimaginable it’s normal to get curious. To satiate that curiosity he/she will ask questions and that is an understandable action. The kind of curiosity that lights up in you, something that forces you to ask questions is mostly shown by growing kids. To find the answers the kids can either go to their parents or teachers. To maintain the excitement of learning it is important to provide answers to the kids rather than shutting them off by calling their questions silly.

At Lotus Veda, we motivate our students to ask as many questions as possible because their teachers will always help them out. The enthusiasm that our teachers possess makes our school the top school in Ashok Vihar. We help our students nurture the seed of curiosity by answering their silly to logical questions. Sometimes the most logical answers can be deemed silly and the craziest answers can come out as the most logical; it all depends on the way the person answers the question. When satisfying students’ curiosity it is important to look at their questions from different perspectives and answer in an understandable way to keep them from further confusion.

Best schools in North Delhi teachers at Lotus Veda, water the art of questioning by making their classes engaging and learner-centered. We make our students learn and learn with them at the same time. The questions that children ask may sometimes trigger things one would have never thought of; that’s why it is important to encourage the students to question frequently instead of keeping things inside them because of the fear of humiliation. Being one of the best schools in North Delhi we focus on creating a space for the children where they can ask anything and get answers to everything.

Teachers have the power to guide students’ curiosity; the way they communicate during class can have a huge impact on children. Teachers should seem approachable, not intimidating. The teachers at Lotus Veda are the best guides that a student could ever get. We are not among the top schools in Ashok Vihar for nothing; our faculty comprises passionate teachers who are always ready to decipher their students’ dilemmas and queries. When students get their curiosity satisfied nothing can stop them from moving forward. The answers to curiosities are like the treasure that motivates one to look for more unexplored treasures.

The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
-Albert Einstein

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