Lotus Veda International School

Admission Guidelines

Admission Process For The Academic Session 2023-24

Admission Process for the academic session 2023-24

Registration forms can be procured from the school office on all working days (Monday to Saturday) between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The form can either be collected personally or a proxy can be deputed to collect the same on your behalf.Registration forms can be procured Online or from the school office on all working days (Monday to Saturday) between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Points System for Nursery Admission


0-3 Kilometers – 80 Points

4-7 Kilometers – 70 Points

7+ Kilometers – 60 Points

Sibling – 10 Points

1st Girl Child – 10 Points

Admission process for classes pre-school, pre-primary

Guidelines given by D.O.E along with the prescribed age will be followed. Details can be taken from the school website/school reception.

Age Criteria for Admission (as on 1st April 2022)

Class Year of Birth Age (in years) as on 1st April 2021
The child must be born on or before 31st March, 2020
2 +
The child must be born on or before 31st March, 2021
3 +
The child must be born on or before 31st March, 2022
4 +


For Admission In Class 1-8

Candidates will be selected as per their competency level through an entrance test followed by personal interaction.

Mandatory Documents Required At The Time Of Admission:

Rules For Refund Of Fees

In case of withdrawal of the child within one month from the date of admission, the admission fee and tuition fee for one month will be retained and other amount or charges will be non-refunded.