Lotus Veda International School

Stem Education is important and our world depends on it. Our economy today is dependent on science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM focuses on teaching real-life skills and subjects. Through STEM education, students can in a way go beyond the classroom and learn facts, and methods of thinking that they can use to solve real-world problems.

Today, more schools and parents have realized the significance of STEM education, and the Top Schools in Ashok Vihar, like Lotus Veda, are taking active steps to integrate STEM education into every classroom. Stem Education becomes important as it creates critical thinkers, and increases science literacy while enabling the next generation of innovators.

STEM education can be integrated into a separate class or be incorporated into practically any subject and grade level.

For instance, if you are teaching science or math classes STEM-related lessons can be directly implemented in the classrooms. When it comes to teaching social studies classes, you can focus on the industrial revolution, so that students can record their thinking and research processes while designing a realistic bridge from a fictional novel.

Even when it comes to making careers in STEM-related fields the options and opportunities are diverse including pharmacy, energy, programming, and engineering fields. No matter what part of life it is STEM is critical, on the grounds that it somehow impacts each part of our lives. STEM Education is important and knows here’s why.

Innovation Helps Boost Economy

With the tech boom currently, it becomes difficult to keep up with the trends and new launches and quite evidently there’s a new gadget out every few hours. They assist in boosting the economy and creating jobs. For this, we need STEM experts to help develop the next successful antibiotic or cure for a disease. This can only be done when we train and teach students today, who become tomorrow’s future.

The need for engineers has increased to create the next new-gen phone or a computer that learns faster than a human. We also need those math-savvy folks to help us understand big data, understand our economy, manage finances, and explore space seamlessly.

Bridges Gender Gap

On moving up the ladder towards leadership roles, you’ll find that the gender gap between the workforces in the largest tech companies only gets bigger. As per the belief, this gap is because of the lack of opportunities available to girls to explore technology when they are younger. Besides this, gender biases also play a role. However, Lotus Veda, the Top School in North Delhi, understands that this gap will slowly start to reduce as more STEM education opportunities are made available to girls.

Talent Pool

For top companies, it is important to have top talent to stay on top of the competition in their industries. This becomes important for them as it helps them employ talent that will help them stay relevant now and in the top positions even in the future.

These top companies ensure that they have the best research and development teams, financial advisors, engineers, web, and app developers & designers. The Top Schools in Ashok Vihar are now investing in STEM education programs with the hope to nurture the next generation of innovators.

Creating Other 21st-Century Skills

Developing STEM skills help students develop any future skill they would want to pursue. Undoubtedly, STEM learning enhances the expertise to take up research, investigate, and look at things from multiple perspectives, all while making relevant connections.

Solve Real-World Problems

Another important notable reason to promote STEM education is that it encourages spatial reasoning, thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Students can look at problems from different angles and come up with unique solutions.

The drive for discovery and exploration that early STEM education develops will help a student throughout their lives and help to adapt to a changing, tech-driven world. 

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