Lotus Veda International School

We all have opinions about our own potential and ability. These convictions are a part of our mindset, which influences the acts we do or don’t do, throughout our lives.

A growth mindset is the concept that, working with the correct techniques, we can enhance our intelligence and abilities. The notion that our intelligence and abilities are more or less stable and immutable is known as a fixed mindset. You can probably already see how these two perspectives have far-reaching consequences for both children and adults. It’s a crucial aspect in terms of motivation and achievement.

Here are nine strategies for introducing and instilling a growth attitude in children:

  1. Introduce students to the brain and how it functions. When children practice and gain new skills, their brains build new connections, they get enthusiastic about the learning process. Learning how their brain works is the first step toward developing a growth mindset in children.

2. Explain the difference between the two mindsets. When children are taught the basic differences between developing and fixed mindsets, they can begin to recognize them in fairy tale characters, others, and even in themselves.

3. Be an example of a growth mentality for them. Whatever you tell your children, the simplest way to teach a growth mindset is to practice it yourself. After all, children learn a great deal about their own conduct and attitudes from the adults in their lives. Allowing your children to hear you think out loud as you face obstacles is one great method to accomplish this.

4. Be open about your challenges. It’s difficult to demonstrate a growth mentality to your children if you continuously try to hide your faults from them. It’s a natural reaction because we want to keep kids safe. However, in this case, revealing your troubles can be a gift to your children that will last a lifetime. So talk about your missteps, including parenting mistakes, and what you’ve learnt from them. Failure is viewed as a runway for growth by people with a growth mentality. Children will be more equipped to do so if they see and hear us work through our setbacks and use them as a springboard for growth.

5. Praise effort rather than results. Teaching children that their brains are like muscles that can grow through hard dedication and hard work is crucial to fostering a growth mentality. It’s crucial for parents to emphasize the importance of praising effort above outcome. Consider the following scenario: Rather than complimenting your child on a seemingly constant trait “You are so smart”, compliment them on the effort they put forth “You worked extremely hard to overcome that problem.”

6. Provide your children with books to read. Stories are an excellent way to learn about and observe a development mindset in action.

7. Begin with the magical word. I am unable to read. I’m unable to make any three-pointers. I am unable to ride a bicycle. It’s distressing to hear a child say unhappy and irritated phrases like these. However, it’s a fantastic opportunity to teach about a growth mindset — and all it takes is one easy trick. Teach your youngster to finish those phrases with the magical word yet. YET, I am unable to read. I haven’t been able to make any three-pointers yet. Yet, I am unable to ride a bicycle. Just one word transforms the entire meaning of the term—and the outlook for the future!

8. Labeling your child and others is not a good idea. Whether the label is positive (You are so smart!) or negative (He isn’t very good at math), both reflect a fixed worldview. Labels like these might lead to restricting attitudes about themselves and others, rather than motivating children. A minor modification in language, such as adding yet, can radically alter the meaning of a statement and a child’s worldview.

9. Use these sentences to replace negative self-talk. Talk to your children about their “inner voice” and the concept of good and negative self-talk. Teach them to recognize and replace problematic self-talk with constructive alternatives. A brief collection of examples are give under : 

  • This is really difficult… It’s possible that this will take additional time and effort.
  • I’m not good at math… I’m going to teach myself how to solve math problems.

Do you want your children to be happy and realize their ambitions? Yes, of course! Cultivating a growth mindset has been related to higher levels of enjoyment and success in life. Amazing things can happen when children realize their brains have the ability to grow. These were the nine recommendations and tactics for instilling a growth mentality in your children.

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